LGIC CDMA Fixed Wireless Terminal
LST-230(F) / 2300(F)
5.5 Volume Level
There are three voice volume levels to be controlled by software, and you can set the level to the adequate
conversation volume.
Changing the Volume Level
1. Press “#”+”#”+”5” continuously to enter Volume Level programming mode.
2. Press “#” and Volume Level (1~3), then the confirm tone will be heard with the volume level changed.
“1” – LOW Level
“2” – MIDDLE Level
“3” – HIGH Level
3. Press “*” to save.
Before pressing “*”, you can enter volume level continuously.
5.6 Outgoing Call Lock(Enblock mode only)
If you try to make an outgoing call while outgoing call lock is enabled, then you will hear warning tone after dial
time-out as a indication of entering the LOCK code. You should enter LOCK code to make an outgoing call.
LOCK code is composed of 4 digits and the initial setting is “0000”. Outgoing Call Lock feature is disabled as a
factory setting.
Enable or Disable Outgoing Call Lock
1. Press “#”+”#”+”6”+LOCK code continuously to enter Outgoing Call Lock programming mode.
2. Press “#” and Enable (“1”) or Disable (“2”) code.
3. Press “*” to save.
Changing Outgoing LOCK Code
1. Press “#”+”#”+”6”+LOCK code continuously to enter Outgoing Call Lock programming mode.
2. Press “#” and “3” to change LOCK code.
3. Press “#” and 4 digits of new LOCK code.
4. Press “#” and re-enter new LOCK code.
5. Press “*” to save.
5.7 G3 FAX Mode Setting
To activate a Data Fax call by G3 FAX connected to your LST-230F/2300F terminal from the other devices
(Land or Mobile Data Fax), your service provider should support wireless data FAX. And the LST-230F/2300F
mode should be changed to G3 FAX mode to change data path from RS-232C to G3 FAX machine. Because
the terminal doesn’t recognize the call is for FAX or voice before being response. Following is the procedure to
change data path and default data path is RS-232C data path.
Once G3 Fax mode is set, if AC power is gone and turned on again, the saved G3 Fax mode value is restored.