Text Message
Text Templates
There are 6 predefined messages
in the list. You can view and edit
the template messages or create
new ones. The following options
are available when you touch
Add New:
Allows you to create a
new template.
Allows you to delete the
selected template message.
Delete All:
Deletes all messages
in the folder.
To edit an existing Template, touch
it (to open) then touch the text.
The Edit Template screen will
automatically open.
Message Centre Number:
If you
want to send a text message, you
can get the address of the SMS
centre by using this menu.
Message Types:
Convert your
text into Voice, Fax, X.400 or Email.
Validity Period:
Choose how
long your messages are stored at
the message centre.
Delivery receipt:
You can set On
or Off.
Reply via Same Message
You can set On or Off.
Insert Signature:
You can set On
or Off.