Auto cook mode
Memory cook
Touch the power button for 3
seconds if the oven is in the
power save mode. Select
the Auto cook mode with the
Function dial, and then the
Adjustment dial will flash.
Select the desired Memory
cook menu option number
with the Adjustment dial.
(Memory cook 02, in the
example) Confirm by
pressing the OK button.
Select the Memory cook
with the Adjustment dial.
Press the OK button then
select an unused memory
cook option number.
Turn the Function dial counter
clockwise to display a manual
cook mode (Convection Heat,
etc...) then use the Adjustment
dial to select a desired manual
cook mode. Each cook mode will
appear with its recommended
temperature setting.
T u r n d i a l
A u t o c o o k
C r e a t , T o u c h O K
M e m o r y C o o k 0 2
0 2 H o t a i r
T o u c h O K
M e m o r y C o o k
When creating a Memory cook, only the Manual cook
modes are selectable. If you try to set the other modes, you will hear
a double signal tone.