Outdoor Unit
Installation Process
Installation Process
The foundation must be level
Outdoor unit foundation work
Avoid short circuits and ensure
sufficient space is allowed
for service
Installation of outdoor unit
In the final check for 24hours at 3.80 MPa(38.7 kgf/cm
) there must be no drop in pressure.
Airtight Test
Multiple core cable must not be used.
(suitable cable shouldbe selected)
Electrical work
(connection circuits and drive circuits)
Make sure no gaps are left where
the insulating materials are joined
Heat insulation work
Make sure airflow is sufficient
Duct work
Adjust to downward gradient
Drain pipe work
Special attention to dryness,
cleanness and tightness
Refrigerant piping work
Check model name to make
sure the fitting is made correctly
Installation of indoor unit and HR unit
Take account of gradient
of drain piping
Sleeve and insert work
Make relationship between outdoor, indoor, remote controller, and option connections clear.
(Prepare control circuit diagram)
Preparation of contract drawings
Indicate clearly who is to be responsible for switch settings
Determination of division work
The vacuum pump used must have a capacity of reaching at least 5 Torr, more than 1 hour.
Vacuum drying
Recharge correctly as calculated in this manual and record the amount of added refrigerant
Additional charge of refrigerant
Make sure there are no gaps left between the facing materials used on the ceiling
Fit facing panels
Refer to automatic addressing for Indoor units and pipe detection.
Preheat the crank case with the electrical heater for more than 6 hours.
(In case of the outdoor temperature below 10
Automatic addressing for Indoor
units and pipe detection
Run each indoor unit in turn to make sure the pipe work has been fitted correctly
Test run adjustment
Transfer to customer with explanation
Explain the proper use of the system as clearly as possible to your customer and make
sure all relevant documentations are in order.
The above list indicates the order in which the individual work operations are normally carried out but
this order may be varied where local conditions warrants such change.
Make sure additional charge the refrigerant before automatic addressing of indoor and pipe searching.