Accessories Installation
Installation Manual
Installing recirculation pump
is used with DHW tank, it is STRONGLY recommended to install recirculation pump
to prevent flooding out cold water at the end of hot water supply and to stabilize the water temperature
inside DHW tank
- The recirculation pump should be operated when DHW demand is not required. Therefore, external
time scheduler to determine when the recirculation pump should turn on and turn off is required.
- The operating duration time of the recirculation pump is calculated as follow :
Duration time [minute] = k x V x R
k : 1.2 ~ 1.5 is recommended. (If distance between pump and tank is far, then choose high number)
V : Volume of sanitary water tank [liter]
R : Water flow rate of pump [liter per minute], which is determined by pump performance curve
- The pump operating start time should be prior to the sanitary water demand.
DHW Tank
Time Scheduler
Check Valve
(End of Hot
water supply)
Hot water supply
City water
Water In
Water Out
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