Now reassemble the parts in the reverse order as for
Before starting the pump, fill in the required amount of oil
at the oiler (see Section 3.2).
5.8.4 RUVAC WA/WAU 1001, 2001
Use a puller to pull out shaft seal housing (13/8) and
bushing (13/3) together.
Remove O-rings (13/4 and 13/2).
Pull the bushing out of the housing.
Take the O-ring (13/5) out of the housing. Remove
securing ring (13/6).
Pull out shaft seal (13/7).
Pull out snap ring (13/12) and felt ring (13/11).
Remove shaft seal (13/10).
Remove securing ring (13/22). Pull out bearing (13/23).
Take out spacing disc (13/24), wave washers (13/25 and
13/27) as well as adjusting discs (13/26 and 13/28).
It is strongly recommended always to exchange the shaft
seals, the bushing and the felt ring against new parts.
Clean all other parts and replace them as required.
Place adjusting disc (13/28), wave washer (13/27),
adjusting disc (13/26), wave washer (13/25) and spacing
disc (13/24) into the housing.
Drive bearing (13/23) back in.
Fit securing ring (13/22).
Use shaft seal driver (14/b) to drive the shaft seal (13/10)
down to the stop (for position of the shaft seal refer to
Fig. 13).
Fit felt ring (13/11) and snap ring (13/12).
Use shaft seal driver (14/b) to drive the shaft seal (13/7)
Here the depth must be defined by the tool (for position
of the shaft seal refer to Fig. 13).
Fit securing ring (13/6).
Now reassemble the parts in the reverse order as for
Before starting the pump, fill in the required
amount of oil at the oiler (see Section 3.2).
5.9 Leybold Service
If a pump is returned to LEYBOLD, indicate whether the
pump free of substances damaging to health or whether
it is contaminated.
If it is contaminated also indicate the nature of the
hazard. For this you must use a form which has been
prepared by us which we will provide upon request.
A copy of this form is reproduced at the end of these
Operating Instructions: “Declaration of Contamination of
Vacuum Instruments and Components”.
Please attach this form to the pump or enclose it with the
This “Declaration of Contamination” is required to meet
German Law and to protect our personnel.
LEYBOLD must return any pumps without a “Declaration
of Contamination” to the sender’s address.