paper feed troubleshooting
message remains after jam is
cleared 148
paper jams
avoiding 120
paper jams, clearing
in duplex area 128
in front door 123
in manual feeder 130
in rear door 126
in standard bin 127
in tray [x] 129
paper labels
loading, multipurpose feeder 33
Paper Loading menu 59
paper messages
page jam, remove tray 1 to
clear duplex. [23y.xx] 128
Paper Size/Type menu 53
paper sizes
supported by the printer 45
paper stop, using 28
Paper Texture menu 56
paper types
duplex support 46
supported by printer 46
where to load 46
Paper Weight menu 58
Parallel [x] menu 69
parallel port 19
checking status 119
checking, using the Embedded
Web Server 119
using genuine Lexmark 108
parts and supplies, status of
checking, on printer control
panel 119
PCL Emul menu 94
PDF menu 93
Personal Identification Number
using 26
PostScript menu 94
preparing to set up the printer on
an Ethernet network 22
print irregularities 161
print job
canceling from the printer control
panel 50
canceling, from computer 50
print quality troubleshooting
blank pages 165
characters have jagged edges 155
clipped pages or images 156
gray background on prints 158
horizontal voids appear on
prints 170
print irregularities 161
print is too dark 162
print is too light 164
printer is printing solid black
pages 167
repeating print defects appear on
prints 162
shadow images appear on
prints 157
skewed print 166
streaked horizontal lines appear
on prints 168
streaked vertical lines 169
toner fog or background
shading 172
toner rubs off 173
toner specks appear on prints 172
transparency print quality is
poor 167
uneven print density 173
white streaks 171
print troubleshooting
held jobs do not print 151
incorrect characters print 153
incorrect margins on prints 159
jammed pages are not
reprinted 149
job prints from wrong tray 152
job prints on wrong paper 152
jobs do not print 149
Large jobs do not collate 154
language PDF files do not
print 149
paper curl 160
paper frequently jams 148
print job takes longer than
expected 152
tray linking does not work 153
unexpected page breaks
occur 154
basic model 10
minimum clearances 9
moving 9, 114, 115
selecting a location 9
shipping 115
printer configurations 10
printer control panel 11
adjusting brightness 104
factory defaults, restoring 119
indicator light 12
Sleep button light 12
using 11
printer control panel PIN
creating 118
printer control panel, virtual
using the Embedded Web
Server 116
Printer had to restart. Last job may
be incomplete. 139
printer information
where to find 8
printer is printing blank pages 165
printer messages
page jam, clear manual feeder.
[25y.xx] 130
page jam, clear standard bin.
[20y.xx] 127
page jam, open front door.
[20y.xx] 123
page jam, open rear door.
[20y.xx] 126
page jam, open tray [x].
[24y.xx] 129
Cartridge low [88.xy] 132
Cartridge nearly low [88.xy] 132
Cartridge very low, [x] estimated
pages remain [88.xy] 132
Cartridge, imaging unit mismatch
[41.xy] 132
Change [paper source] to [custom
string] load [orientation] 133
Change [paper source] to [custom
type name] load
[orientation] 132
Change [paper source] to [paper
size] load [orientation] 133
Change [paper source] to [paper
type] [paper size] load
[orientation] 133
Close front door 133
Complex page, some data may not
have printed [39] 133
Configuration change, some held
jobs were not restored [57] 133
Defective flash detected [51] 134