Baby food doesn’t have to come in jars. The healthyjuicer does and excellent
job of both pureeing and mashing food to let you decide on the consistency to
match your baby’s preference.
Three good reasons for making your own baby food:
• You know what’s in it
• You can custom-tailor the texture to your baby’s taste preferences
• Use fresh ingredients that have not been processed with preservatives and
chemicals and sitting on a store shelf for months or even years.
Set up the Healthyjuicer as per page 5 using the orange colored auger. Make
sure the collecting cup and waste cup are both
in place. pre-steam or boil the vegetables and
let cool. Turn on the healthyjuicer and feed a
small amount of food into the hopper at a time,
taking care not to place too much in at once.
Some of the more fibrous parts of the food will
be expelled from the front and a more pureed
consistency will be expelled from the juice
spout. After you are finished you may decide on
what consistency to make your baby food according to your baby’s preference
by adding the pureed food to the more course food expelled from the front in
various amounts.
Tips for making your own baby food
Don’t feel you have to prepare separate meals for your baby. You can simply
take portions of your adult food (before you add any strong seasonings) and
use the healthyjuicer to mash and puree them to a consistency your baby can
Make enough for several meals at a time and pour the freshly-cooked and
pureed food into an ice cube tray. Cover with cellophane wrap and freeze. Then,
remove the frozen food cubes from the tray and store in air-tight freezer bags.
Remove one serving-size cube at a time when needed.
Baby food