Making your own nut
butters from peanuts
and cashews is easy and
healthy. Because you are
making it yourself you can
control the ingredients
and thus insure there are no hydrogenated oils, refined sugars and other
artificial ingredients.
Assemble the Healthyjuicer as per page 5
using the orange colored auger. It is not
necessary to use the sieve on the juice cup
but there may be a few drops of oil from
the crushed nuts that may drip from the
juicing spout, so it is a good idea to insert
the juice cup in place.
The nuts or nut
butters will not come out of the juice
spout, but from the front end cap.
Turn on the juicer and place just a few nuts at a time until a steady stream of
nut butter starts to flow from the end cap nozzle. Pause every few seconds
to allow the crushed nuts to clear the chamber.
After you are finished making the nut butter you may stir in a small amount
of peanut oil to make a smoother consistency. You may also add a small
amount of honey (about two tablespoons per cup) to sweeten your home-
made peanut or cashew butter (delicious!). Store in the refrigerator in an air
tight container.
NOTE: Almonds are extremely hard to crush and are not recommended.
Nut butters