1.2.5 LED Indicators
1. When the device is booted up and ready:
2. When WEC/Reset is triggered (with button pressed):
Status LED flashes at different rate according button-pressed duration.
Stage 1 (1 ~ 5 sec) : Flash very fast
Stage 2 (6 ~ 10 sec) : Flash twice per second
Stage 3 (11~15 sec) : Flash once per second
Stage 4 (16~30 sec) : Solid Green
OFF: The device is powered off.
Green LED : Device is in Master Mode
Amber LED: Device is in Slave Mode
LED flash: data packet transferred.
LED in fast flash per second during 2min: WPS PBC status
OFF: Wireless Radio is disabled.
LED in slow flash or Flash Green and Amber Alternately : Wireless
Connection doesn't establish.
LED in Solid: Wireless Connection established successfully.
OFF: No Ethernet connection.
Solid Green: Ethernet connection is linked up.
Flash Green: Data packet is transferred over the Ethernet link.