Leuze electronic
Have all tests performed by competent persons.
Observe the nationally applicable regulations and the time periods specified therein.
To be performed daily by the operating personnel
The function of the safety relay must be checked daily or at change of shifts, and at each change of
machine operating mode as specified in the corresponding checklist (see chapter 9.3.1 „Check list – daily
or at change of shift“) so that damages or unauthorized manipulations can be detected.
Stop the dangerous state.
Check the safety relay, sensors, switches and command devices for damage or tampering.
Interrupt the light beam of the light beam safety device and actuate the switches and command devices
from a position outside the danger zone and ensure that the machine cannot be started when a light
beam is interrupted.
Start the machine.
Ensure that the dangerous state is stopped as soon as a light beam is interrupted or a switch is actuated.
9.3.1 Check list – daily or at change of shift
Interval: daily or at shift change
Tester: authorized operating personnel or instructed person
Table 9.2:
Check list – daily or at change of shift
Unpredictable machine behavior during the test may result in serious injury!
Make certain that there are no people in the danger zone.
Faults during the daily inspection may result in serious injury!
If you answer one of the items on the check list (see table 9.2) with “no”, the machine must no longer be
Have the entire machine inspected by a competent person (see chapter 9.1 „Before the initial start-up
and following modifications“).
Items on the check list
Are safety relay, light beam safety device, connecting cables, plugs and command
devices undamaged and free of any signs of manipulation?
Are all point of operations at the machine accessible only through one or more protec
tive fields of light beam safety devices?
Are all additional protective devices mounted correctly (e.g., safety guard)?
Does the start/restart interlock prevent the automatic start-up of the machine after the
light beam safety device/safety relay has been switched on or activated?
Interrupt a light beam of the light beam safety device with a test object during opera
Is the dangerous movement shut down immediately?
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