Short description HFU 4500D
Page 11
Systems menu
Run Program Start of function selection
RFID Parameter Setting for Transponder Start block and number of blocks separate for
READ and WRITE op. Input via keys, OK for acknowledge
BarCode Pre select of Barcode(Symbology), with No of digits,
Choice with Green (* as character on Display)
Data output Prefix/Suffix, preset
Data format: Select HEX/ASCII for all functions, pre set
Data output:: Full/ DATA only / OFF, pre set
full means complete telegram (RFID)
Interface Baud rate and Databits can be set between 4800Bd and 115kBd ,
pre set
9600Bd, 8N1
Keyboard Password via Com/Password ON/OFF
MoreMessages: activation of different messages, select with Green (* as character in Display)
Device Settings Pre setting Region (UHF-Band) and power level
The complete menu structure is in the chapter menu.
Device reset / Factory default
With selecting the menu point “Reset device” in the Systems menu the device can be reset to factory default.
Note: All individual settings are lost then!!!
Parameter Setting
All parameters are available and can be set via key board in different sub menus within the system menu. No
separate or special software tool is needed.