Installation and connections
5690 en - 2018.03 / a
Field RTC Keypad
Field RTC Keypad option is a setting remote keypad with real time clock that displays speed
and drive status, gives motor commands and sets Commander ID300/302 parameters. It
is a multilingual LCD ready to use keypad that needs to be connected to the Commander
ID300/302 (2 m cable provided).
Its real time clock allows the user to achieve a Datalogger function.
It also provides a storing function*:
- Drive parameter upload to the keypad
- Keypad parameter download to a drive
- Codesys program upload from drive onboard memory to the keypad
A magnet is located at the back of the keypad allowing the user to place it onto a metallic
area. It can be placed on a flat surface too.
This option is internally powered by the drive.
Field RTC Keypad conforms to SELV requirements when it is connected to the
ID-3 CABLE-RJ45-Flange (with Commander ID300/302 cover closed).
• Do not proceed with any action on the Commander ID300/302 without
having read the safety instructions of the Commander ID300/302 installation
and quick start commissioning guide ref.5511 (www.commanderID300.info).
• Inappropriate settings may have serious consequences for personnel and machi-
• For more information about functionalities and commissioning of this option,
please refer to the user and technical guide of the Commander ID300/302 réf.5512
(www. commanderID300.info).
1. Escape button
2. Start reverse (Auxiliary button)
3. Start forward
4. Navigation keys (x4)
5. Stop / Reset (red) button
6. Enter button
* Available soon.