For further assistance or queries, you can call on LEPHONE
cust omer care number 0 120-4 88390 0* or
mail at
After sales service of the device is confi ned to the country in
which the purchasing is done.
*Call rates applicable
Help us save Our Environment…GO GREEN..!!
All our endeavors are di rected to wards p ro viding en viron ment friendl y
prod ucts to you. The mate rials used in ou r de vices are recyclable and
can be reused to make new p rodu cts. We strive to make products tha t
are safe fo r ou r consume rs as well as the envi ronmen t. Co me join hand s
with us and make world a better place to live.
Preserve natu ral res ources for fu ture genera tions by recyclin g you r
phone. The ph one contains some metals, when re cycled p rope rly; these
can be put back in to ci rculation, decreasing the need fo r new metal
mining. Recycling red uces the need for raw material s, saves energ y,
helps miti gate Glo bal Warming and redu ces p ollution, redu ces was te
prod ucts in landfills; therefo re prese rvin g natu ral resou rces fo r the fu tu re
and saving the planet.
Follow some simple steps and contribute towards saving the planet.
Recycle your handset and its accessories.
To prote ct natu ral resou rces and to p ro mote re -use of the material,
kindly separate batteries from other type of waste.