Please read the following safety guidelines before using the device.
Do not use the phone while you are driving.
Do not place magnetic s to rage media near your p hone.
Radiation fro m the phone may e rase the in fo rmation
stored on them.
Keep your phone and its accessories away from children.
Mobile phones can inte rfere wi th the fu ncti oning of
medical devi ces su ch as hearing aids o r pacemake rs.
People having active medical implants sho uld keep their
cell phone at least 15 cm away from the implant.
Permanent hearing los s may occur if you use earpho nes
or headphones at high volume.
Use a wireless hands-free sys tem (headp hone/ headset)
with a low power Bluetooth emitter.
Make sure the cell phone has a low SAR.
Keep your calls sh ort or send a te xt message (SMS)
instead. This advi ce applies s pecially to child ren
adolescents and pregnant women.
Use cell phone when the signal quality is good.
Do not dis mantle the de vice or accesso ries othe rwise,
manufactu rer is n ot liable to pay fo r damages as the
device and accessories are not covered by warranty.
Use only original batteries and charging devices.