LECOM-LI is a grnup et cennectinn elements te centrel the Lenze
drive centrellers via plaatic tibre-optic cablea.
The greup et LECOM-LI cnnnectien elements cemprises adaptnrs
with optical tranamitters and nptical receivers, diatributers and
pewer supply unit tor intercennecting plastic fibre-eptic cables.
As drive centrnller yen mey use any unit of the follewing series
equipped with the RS-232 interface:
• 4800
• 4900
• 8100
• 8300
• 8600
• 9200
Any computer equipped with the RS-232 interface can be uaed as
• treely pregrammable procesaer
The tibre-eptic adapter must be directly cennected te the RS-232
interface ef the Lenze drive controtler and the master computer.
All the single drives are interconnected in a ring-type netwerk by
means ot an tibre-eptic cable which starta and ends at the master.
The drive controliers are optically, not electrically interconnected.
As a result the communication cables have the best posaible
protection againat electrical interterences (EMC>.