The switching can be either manual or automatic:
: The user manually sets the heating or the cooling mode.
: The controller automatically switches from the
heating to the cooling mode or vice-versa.
This automatic operation is different according to the system type
as set with parameter
In case of a 4-pipes system, an electric heater or heat pump
system he thermostat operates with a neutral zone. Therefore
it activates heating or cooling according to the set point
In case of a 2-pipes system or an “integrating electric heater”
system, the controller operates a changeover according to the
delivery water temperature.
When the delivery water temperature is low (that is below the
threshold set with parameter
) the controller switches to
cooling mode.
On the opposite side, when this temperature is high (that is above
the threshold set with parameter
) the controller switches to
heating mode. In case the supply temperature is neither too low
nor too high the operating mode is kept unchanged, and can be
manually changed.
When the delivery water sensor is not installed or it is not
properly working, no automatic selection is performed and only
the manual switching is allowed.
Remote selection: In a building with several regulators all inputs
can be wired together for a remote selection coming from the
central heating room. On
parameters it is
possible to choose the input and the mode (normal or reversed)
to be associated to the “remote heating/cooling“ selection.
In Fig. 7 is shown a wiring example for a remote heating/cooling
P03 and P04:
these parameters set which outputs
are controlled.
When in heating mode parameter
is used, when in cooling
is used instead. Each parameter sets whether
temperature is to be regulated through valves, fan, or both.
When valves only is chosen, the fan will be turned on even after
temperature has reached the setpoint; when fan only is chosen
the valve will be powered even after temperature has reached
the setpoint.
In systems with electric heater or heating pump these parameters
cannot inhibit the valve outputs because these outputs are driven
according to the speci
c system type.
P05 and P06:
these parameters set which type of valve is wired
respectively at the heating and cooling outputs. See “Valve
types“ section for more informations.
: This parameter sets the type of the sensor used for the
acquisition of the delivery water temperature.
When set to value 0 or 1 we mean that a sensor is used for the
acquisition of the water temperature, properly wired to terminals
13 and 14: when 1 is set, the temperature value can also be
displayed, according to the user choice. In case 0 is set, the
information coming from the temperature sensor is still used for
the regulation purpose, even if its value can not be displayed.
When set to value 2 we mean that a bimetallic thermostat will
be connected to terminals 13 and 14 to perform only the cut-off
temperature function when in heating mode.
This parameter enables the room “de-strati
cation“ function.
With this function the fan is turned on, at its lowest speed, for
about 1.5 minutes every 15 minutes.
The function is only active when the fan should be turned off
according to the room temperature regulation.