Lennox Smart Devices Troubleshooting
Device is not functioning.
• Check for damage
• Check that power is available (good batteries for the Smart Room
Sensor and verify there is power at the wall outlet being used for
the Wireless Extender.
Device fail to respond to a command.
• Cycle power to the device.
• Smart Room Sensor - To cycle power, remove the batteries and
• Wireless Extender - Unplug from the wall outlet and plug back in.
• If cycling power does not resolve issue then:
Remove device from the smart devices network.
Perform a factory reset of any of the smart devices by pressing
and hold the pairing button for ten (10) seconds.
Attempt to add device back to smart devices network.
Smart device not found during discovery process Smart device may be out of range, no power or the product is
New smart device found during discovery
process, but not available in installer provided
Cleared by technician. The
Lennox Smart Technician App
provides "add this unknown device in installer list" and sends it to