and a message will be displayed for the device on
the My Home menu option.
• Move device closer to the S40 thermostat or
add an
Lennox Wireless Extender
between the
sensor and thermostat.
• For wall placement, install room sensor at a minium
height of 5 feet (1.52 meters) on an interior wall.
for illustration
• Use the provided wall template when mounting
sensor to the wall.
• For sensor desktop/table placement use the
provided stand.
For effective temperature sensing, mount the
sensor in a location enabling it to sense the general
room environment. The sensor must NOT be:
Blocked from normal air circulation by ob-
structions (e.g., behind curtains or cubicle
Exposed to artificial heat sources (e.g., lights,
computers, copiers, or coffee makers) or to
sunlight (at any time of the day).
Exposed to direct sunlight.
Exposed to drafts from windows, doorways,
diffusers, or returns.
Exposed to air flow through the conduit (e.g.,
from leaks in plenum ducts) or other holes
into the wall cavity.
Mounted on an exterior wall.
Mounted on or near a large thermal mass
(e.g., a concrete block wall).
The above factors primarily affect tempera
ture sensing, but some also affect accurate
humidity and occupancy sensing as well.
If the device is out of range of your S40 ther-
mostat a blue light will turn on.
For effective occupancy detection, determine a
location that will maximize the area of detection in
a room.
The smart room sensor occupancy detec-
tion function has a 100 degree horizontal
span and a 32 degree vertical span. Improper
placement may limit the area of occupancy
detection for the sensor.
Large rooms may require more than one sen-
sor to ensure occupancy detection. Please
"Figure 9. Occupancy Sensor Detection
amples of optimal mounting locations for the
smart room sensor.