4.4 Rack ID and DIP Switch Terminators
Each dimmer rack in a system (ie: on a common SCM) must have its own unique ID number to identify
it on the system. There are four possible rack ID's available, as shown in the chart below, set by the
first two DIP switches of SW1. The last six switches are used to terminate the DMX lines. In most
cases, DMX A & DMX B switches will remain terminated. DMX C will be terminated only if the
connection is not used to feed other racks or auxiliary control boards.
Figure 13: Rack ID & Termination DIP Switch
4.5 DMX Out Connections
Terminal block TB1 is used to interconnect multiple racks together and to feed DMX through to
auxiliary control boards. The termination DIP switch for this line must be left open unless it is not
connected to another device. The DMX out signal is standard DMX with alternate start codes for the
purpose of communication to each of the dimmer racks.
Figure 14: DMX C Connections
DX3 Manual