Lights do not turn ON with motion (LED does flash)
1 . P re ss and re lease each button to make sure that the co r rect lights co m e
ON for each re l a y.
If the lights do NOT turn ON
, check wire co n n e c t i o n s ,
e s p e c i a l ly the Load connection.
If the lights turn ON
, verify that the
co r rect On Mode is sele c ted in DIP switches 7 and 8.
2 . Check to see if light level co n t rol is enabled: cover the sensor lens with
your hand. If the lights come ON, adjust the light level setting.
3 . If lights still do not turn ON, call 800.879.8585 for te c h n i cal support.
Lights do not turn ON with motion (LED does not flash)
1 . P re ss and re lease each button. Make sure that the co r rect lights co m e
ON for each re l a y. If the lights turn ON, set Ultrasoic Sensitivity to max.
2 . Check the wire connections, in particular, the Neutral and Line
connections. Verify that connections are tightly secured.
3 . If lights still do not turn ON, call 800.879.8585 for te c h n i cal support.
Sensor Adjustment
R e m ove the wall plate. Remove the button cap by firmly squeezing together the
top sides of the button ass e m b ly. Gently pull it away from the unit.
When the adjustments are co m p le ted, re p l a ce the button cap by inserting its
hinges into the tabs on the main unit and then squeeze the top of the button while
p re ssing it into the unit. Reinstall the cover plate .
Light Level Adjustment
The light level can be set with loads ON or OFF. To enable light level co n t rol and
set the threshold: 1) Make sure the room is lit appro p r i a te ly. 2) Put the sensor into
TEST mode. You have 5 minutes to co m p le te the pro ce d u re. 3) Pre ss and hold the
ON/OFF button (Relay
b u t ton on the UW-200) for 3 seconds, until you hear a
beep. 4) Step away from the sensor. After 25 seconds a beep sounds, indica t i n g
that the threshold level is set. This threshold is re tained, even if power is lo st ,
until it is re-set or disabled. In the UW-200, light level co n t rol only affects Relay
To disable light level co n t rol, pre ss and hold the Relay
b u t ton for
7 seco n d s
until a double beep tone sounds.
Reset to Default
To reset the UW to fa c tory settings, pre ss and hold the Relay 1 b u t to n for
1 0
s e co n d s
, until a triple beep sounds. This resets the sensor occupancy history and
d i s a b les light level co n t rol (the brighte st ambient light will not hold the light OFF).