Fixed Time Delay
(DIP 1
2 OFF, 3 ON)
(DIP #5 ON)
(DIP #4 ON)
The UW sensor turns the load OFF 3 minutes after the
a rea is initially occupied, if no motion is dete c ted afte r
the first 30 seconds. If motion continues beyond the
f i rst 30 seconds, the set time delay applies.
Audible Alerts
The UW can provide audible alerts as a warning befo re the load turns OFF.
Load turns OFF then back ON befo re delay ex p i re s .
Visible Alert
The UW sensor can provide a visual alert as a warning one minute befo re the
load turns OFF.
Time delays of 5,
1 5
( d e fault), or 30 minutes are
a va i l a b le. See DIP SWITCH SETTINGS for info r m a t i o n .
SmartSet™ auto
adjust time delay
and Test Mode
The sensor re co rds typical occupancy patterns. Using
this history (which is co n sta n t ly updated), it chooses an
optimal time delay from 7 minutes (if the space is
u s u a l ly va cant) up to 30 minutes (if the space gets
heavy usage). SmartSet behavior starts immediate ly,
and is refined co n t i n u a l ly as history is co l le c te d .
A Te st Mode with a short time delay of 5 seconds is set
when DIP switches 1, 2 & 3 are OFF. It ca n ce l s
a u to m a t i ca l ly after five minutes, or when you set a
f i xed time delay. To re start Te st Mode, change the time
delay setting to any fixed amount and then return it to
the Auto / Te st setting.
No visual alert for delay ex p i ration warning.
No Visible
(DIP #5 OFF)
No Alerts
" W h i st les" twice, at one minute and at 30 seco n d s
b e fo re turning OFF load. “Chirps” 10 seconds befo re
turning OFF load. “Beeps” three times 10 seco n d s
b e fo re the load goes OFF for Wa l k - T h ro u g h .
Audible Alerts
(DIP #6 ON)
No warnings prov i d e d .
The Wa l k - T h rough mode shortens the time delay to re d u ce the amount of time
the load is ON after a brief moment of occ u p a n c y, such as returning to an office
to pick up a fo rg o t ten item then immediate ly ex i t i n g .
No Walk-Through
Wa l k - T h rough mode disable d .