2 -4 F E A T U R E S & B E N E F IT S
Your new machine has many standard features and accompanying benefits that
set it apart from other laminators:
A r e l e a s e l i n e r ta k e -u p
with an adjustable clutch, takes up the release liner
found on most pressure-sensitive films.
R o l l e r b e a r i n g s ,
alloy construction and high quality motors insure a long and
trouble-free life for these machines.
A v a r i a b l e s p e e d m o to r c o n tr o l
allows operators to apply different materials
to different substrates. A preset 3-function switch allows operation in variable
speed mode, a preset film speed mode and a preset pouch speed mode.
T h e fe e d tr a y
is non-ferrous, so magnetic materials may be applied.
T h e s u p p l y r o l l te n s i o n k n o b s
are important, because without some supply
roll tension, most films and tapes will wrinkle during application.
A r e v e r s e d r i v e s w i tc h
makes it simple to back material out of the laminating
rollers or correct material wrap-around.
A fo o t p e d a l
is a standard feature that frees hands to align and feed work.
A s ta n d
is included with the machine.
A s a fe ty s h i e l d
with electronic interlock prevents operation of the machine if
the guard and the feed tray are not in place, protecting operators and other
T w o s a fe ty s to p b u tto n s
on both sides of the machine will automatically
stop the machine when the operator pushes them in.
M a n u fa c tu r e d i n th e U S A
means quality, better service and faster parts
C o r r e c t a n d e v e n l a m i n a ti o n p r e s s u r e
is ensured by rubber rolls that are
spring-loaded and preset. The pressure is easy to adjust if required when
performing routine maintenance.