Toy-Recognition Activities
Count the Creases
Count to five as you move the iron back and forth.
Theme Song
Move the iron back and forth to play the iron’s theme song
verse by verse.
ABC Song
Play the ABC song verse by verse as you move the iron back
and forth.
Sing the Colours Song
Move the iron back and forth to play the Colours song verse
by verse.
Colour Dance
Play upbeat melodies and trigger an engaging light
show as you iron.
Silly Sounds
Move the iron back and forth to trigger silly cartoon sounds.
Tip Me Up!
Follow the iron’s instructions to set it on its end and give it a rest.
Tip Me Over!
Follow the iron’s instructions to get back to work and hear
encouraging phrases.
Press the Steam Button
Press the steam button to practise counting.
Testing, Testing!
Turn the dial to the correct number and press the buttons
based on their colours and shapes to make sure everything is
in working order.
Heat Me Up!
Turn the dial to the correct number to pretend to heat the iron.