Leadtek Research Inc..
Leadtek Research Inc..
Leadtek Research Inc..
Leadtek Research Inc..
Calling for Technical Support
In the event of not finding the solution for your problem please contact our Technical Support staff.
Product Name
It will be easier for our staff to answer your question if you know the name of the product. The name
is displayed during system boot.
Software Driver Version
From time to time we update the Utilities and Drivers, so it will be a great help for us to understand
where the problem lies. The version number is printed on the diskette label.
Motherboard Manufacturer, BIOS Version and Chipset
It is important to know who made your motherboard? Which system BIOS you are using and what
types of chipset are used on your motherboard.
Computer Type and Speed
We need to know the type of processor you are using and its speed.
Monitor Manufacturer and Model
Please determine the type of monitor you are using. List the mode your monitor supports described in
your monitor manual.
Detailed Description of your Problem
Please answer in detail all the problems you encountered. What kind of software/hardware you are
using and the contents of your system files?