installation manual of the ES-DH series drives
Introduction to Easy Servo
The ES (Easy Servo) series close-loop stepper servos offer an alternative for applications requiring
high performance and high reliability when the traditional servo was the only choice, while it remains
cost-effective. The system includes an easy servo motor combined with a fully digital, high
performance easy servo drive. The internal encoder is used to close the position, velocity and current
loops in real time, just like servo systems. It combines the best of servo and stepper motor
technologies, and delivers unique capabilities and enhancements over both, while at a fraction of the
cost of a servo system.
Getting Start
To get start you need one easy servo drive, one easy servo motor (stepper drive with encoder) and a
AC / DC power supply for the first time evaluation. A motion controller - like indexer, pulse generator
or PLC is required too when you need to rotate the motor. If you have a PC with one serial port or one
PC with USB-RS232 converter, you can also rotate the motor in the PC software. However it is
recommended to verify the complete function of the Easy Servo using a motion controller.
Easy Servo Drive
Easy Servo Motor
Stepper Motor
Command Position
Measured Position
www.servosystem.ru +7(495) 407-01-02