Insulating the dome for a ROUNDED shape oven
Let the oven dry 1 week.
Make the dérhumage : small fires are possible to help the drying
process. (see the vidéo on our YouTube Channel).
Use the oven during 1 or 2 month before making the veneer
For the veneer : painting, tiles, terracotta mixing, roughcast
, …
the vidéo
3/ Applying a refractory Mix :
refractory vermi water (materials non provided)
Recover all with a refractory MIX very wet :
Mix dry the refractory cement with vermiculite (1 dose cement for 3 doses vermiculite)
Add water until you obtain a mix liquid enough for an applying with trowel.
Advice : make several little quantities because the mortar dries quickly
Make with a trowel a coating about 3 or 4 cm thick and smooth