We have designed this product to operate reliably over many years. LD Systems stands for this with its name and many years of experience
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1. Please read these instructionscarefully.
2. Keep all information and instructions in a safe place.
3. Follow the instructions.
4. Observe all safety warnings. Never remove safety warnings or other information from the equipment.
5. Use the equipment only in the intended manner and for the intended purpose.
6. Use onlysufficientlystableand compatible standsand/ormounts(forfixed installations).Makecertainthat wall mountsare properlyinstalledand
secured.Make certain that the equipment is installed securely and cannot fall down.
7. During installation, observ e the applicable safety regulations for your country.
8. Neverinstalland operatethe equipmentnearradiators,heat registers,ovensor othersourcesof heat.Makecertainthat the equipmentis always
installed so that is cooled sufficiently and cannot overheat.
9. Never place sources of ignition, e.g., burning candles, on the equipment.
10. Ventilation slits must not beblocked.
11. Keep a minimum distance of 20 cm around and above the device.
12. Donotusethisequipmentinthe immediatevicinityofwater(doesnotapplytospecialoutdoorequipment-inthiscase,observethe
special instructions noted below. Do not expose this equipment to flammable materials,fluids or gases.Avoid direct sunlight!
13. Makecertainthatdrippingorsplashedwatercannotentertheequipment.Donotplacecontainersfilledwithliquids,suchasvasesor
drinking vessels, on theequipment.
14. Make certain that objects cannot fall into the device.
15. Use this equipment only with the accessories recommended and intended by the manufacturer.
16. Do not open or modify this equipment.
17. After connecting the equipment, check all cables in order to prevent damage or accidents, e.g., due to tripping hazards.
18. During transport, make certain that the equipment cannot fall down and possibly cause property damage and personal injuries.
19. Ifyour equipmentis nolonger functioning properly,if fluidsor objectshave gotteninsidethe equipmentor if it has beendamagedin anot
authorized, qualifiedpersonnel.
20. Clean the equipment using a dry cloth.
21. Complywith allapplicabledisposallawsinyourcountry.Duringdisposalofpackaging,pleaseseparateplasticand paper/cardboard.
22. Plastic bags must be kept out of reach of children.
23. Please note that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user´s authority
to operate the equipment.
24. CAUTION:Ifthepowercordofthedeviceisequippedwithanearthingcontact,thenitmustbeconnectedtoanoutletwithaprotective
ground. Never deactivate the protective ground of a power cord.
25. If the equipment has been exposed to strong fluctuations in temperature (for example, after transport), do not switch it on immediately.
Moisture and condensation could damage the equipment.Do not switch on the equipment until ithas reached room temperature.
26. Beforeconnectingtheequipmenttothepoweroutlet,firstverifythatthemainsvoltageandfrequencymatchthevaluesspecifiedonthe
mainspowervaluesmatch.Ifthe includedpowercordorpoweradapterdoes notfit inyourwalloutlet,contactyourelectrician.
27. Donotsteponthepowercord.Makecertainthatthepowercabledoesnotbecomekinked,especiallyatthe mainsoutletand/orpower
adapter and the equipmentconnector.
28. When connecting the equipment, make certain that the power cord or power adapter is always freely accessible.Always disconnect the
equipmentfromthe powersupply ifthe equipmentisnotinuse orifyouwantto clean the equipment.Alwaysunplug the powercord and
poweradapterfromthe poweroutlet atthe plugoradapterand notbypullingonthe cord.Nevertouchthepowercord andpoweradapter
with wet hands.
29. Whenever possible, avoid switching the equipment on and off in quick succession because otherwise this can shorten the useful life of
the equipment.
30. IMPORTANTINFORMATION:Replacefuses onlywithfusesofthesametypeandrating.Ifafuseblowsrepeatedly,pleasecontactan
authorised service centre.
31. Todisconnect the equipment from the power mains completely, unplug the power cord or power adapter from the power outlet.
32. IfyourdeviceisequippedwithaVolexpowerconnector,thematingVolexequipmentconnectormustbeunlockedbeforeitcanberemoved.
other damage. For this reason, always be careful when laying cables.
33. Unplugthepowercordandpoweradapterfromthepoweroutletifthereisariskofalightningstrikeorbeforeextendedperiodsofdisuse.