sensitive and the small changes that are not noticeable can be Causes impedance changes. this is normal.
However, this situation does not affect the general measurement. Generally, the measured impedance
of the component is limited, and the open impedance has little effect on the device under test. If an
external test line is used to measure the high impedance component, such as using a test pen to measure a
few P capacitors, it needs to be very serious and patient. The attitude remains unchanged after the test
leads are cleared. In principle, body socket measurements should be used whenever possible when the
measured impedance is high.
7.8 Why does the measurement of high-value resistance "error" become large when the frequency is high?
measuring the resistance under AC signal excitation, especially when the resistance value is high, the
element distribution parameters (such as the distributed capacitance of the high-resistance element)
cannot be ignored, and the actual equivalent model It is far from a simple series and parallel model. The
measurement result is the equivalent value of the component under the measurement frequency. The result
is correct.
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