phone number locations, A and B, and C, so you can preset 3 phone numbers, if the add operation is
success, the tracker will send back the information ”Add Preset Phone OK”, if the password is not right,
the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information “Wrong Password”.
Delete preset phone number by SMS
Send SMS “DELETEPHONE*123456*A” to the tracker,
“DELETEPHONE” is a command;
“123456” is password; “A” is preset phone number location, there are 3 locations “A” and “B” and “C”;
if the delete operation is success, the tracker will send back the information ”Delete Preset Phone OK”,
if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information “Wrong
Check preset phone number by SMS
Send SMS “CHECKPHONE*123456” to tracker,
“CHECKPHONE” is a command; “123456” is
password; if the operation is success, the tracker will send back the information
“Preset Phone
A:13912345678; B:13812345678; C:13712345678 , the phone number is just an example. if the
password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information or “Wrong
Change / Check Password
Change tracker password
Send SMS “CHANGEPASSWORD*123456*888888” to tracker, “CHANGEPASSWORD” is a
command; “123456” is old password; “888888” is new password; if the operation is success, the
tracker will send the information “ New Password: 888888” to every preset phone number, if the
password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information “Wrong Password”.
Note: Only preset phone can change the password.
Check tracker password
Send SMS “CHECKPASSWORD” to the tracker, “CHECKPASSWORD” is a command, if the
operation is success, the tracker will send back the information “Password: 888888”; “888888”is an
Note: Only preset phone can check the password.
Keep On line (keep upload tracking):
Normally the upload location is controlled by ON wire signal, when the car is turn on, the tracker
will begin to upload tracking to server, also you can trigger the tracker to upload the tracking all the
time. Send SMS “KEEPONLINE *123456” to tracker, “KEEPONLINE” is a command, “123456” is