PLL Mode and CrystalLock™ Mode
The DA2002 features a very low jitter
PLL Mode
that prevents jitter in the input digital audio
signal from degrading DA conversion quality. The PLL mode is recommended for operation of
the DA2002 with inputs of 88.2 or 96 kHz. The default setting is PLL mode and is indicated by
the Sample Frequency indicator slowly blinking.
For additional jitter reduction with inputs of 44.1 or 48 kHz, select the
CrystalLock™ Mode.
The CrystalLock™ mode is indicated by the Sample Frequency indicator staying constantly
To enable CrystalLock™ mode, press and hold the
button for 1.5 seconds. The
Sample Rate indicator will become steadily illuminated. To return to PLL mode, press and hold
button again. This mode setting is retained when power is removed.
Power and Fusing
The DA2002 operates at 50 or 60 Hz, and has two line voltage selections, 115 volts and 230
volts. Voltage selection is made in the power input module on the rear panel. Always disconnect
the AC power cord before checking the fuses or changing the voltage setting.
The fuse holder is red in color, and the voltage setting indication printed on it is in white
lettering. This setting is visible through a small “window” in the hinged cover located next to the
AC power switch and input connector. To change or check the fuses or change the operating
voltage, carefully open the cover by lifting the right edge and pull the red fuse holder straight out
of the power input module. The voltage is set by turning the red fuse holder so the desired
operating voltage is visible when the fuse holder’s cover is closed. Please Note: To avoid
cracking the fuse holder, if a screwdriver is used to gently pry the red fuse holder out of the input
module, please do not pry on the top or bottom of the fuse holder- only the right side (as viewed
from the rear of the DA2002).
115 volts operation requires two 1/2 ampere 250 volt fast blow fuses; 230 volt operation requires
two 1/4 ampere 250 volt fast blow fuses. Both American and European size fuses can be
accommodated. Operation up to 240 volts is possible with no change in performance using the
230 volt setting.
The Model DA2002 is an auto-calibrating converter requiring no periodic adjustments. The unit's
reliance on linear power supplies and discrete class A analog circuitry generates a significant
amount of heat (25 watts maximum). The temperature rise is no cause for concern, but allowing
for some airflow both above and below the unit is recommended.
The front panel is gold plated (24 karat gold). Use a soft cloth (and plain water, if necessary) to
clean fingerprints.