PowerTrace Serial User´s Guide
©1989-2018 Lauterbach GmbH
Advanced Checks
1. Check
The bit order of incoming trace data might be wrong. This can happen by user fault (wrong configuration) or
by manufacturer fault (chip bug). The PowerTrace Serial allows to change bit, byte, word and double-word
(long) order by the following commands:
The following table shows the influence of each swap to the bit order:
No Swap: |63 56|55 48|47 40|39 32|31 24|23 16|15 8| 7 0|
| <---------------------------------------------------- |
Bit Endianness: |56 63|48 55|40 47|32 39|24 31|16 23| 8 15| 0 7|
| ---> | ---> | ---> | ---> | ---> | ---> | ---> | ---> |
Byte Endianness:|55 48|63 56|39 32|47 40|23 16|31 24| 7 0|15 8|
| <-----> | <-----> | <-----> | <-----> |
Word Endianness:|63 48|47 32|31 16|15 0|
| <-------------> | <-------------> |
Long Endianness:|31 0|63 32|
| <---------------------------> |
Changing the endianness will have effect to the payload (trace data) only. The
Aurora protocol data (e.g. /SOF/ or /IDLE/) are not influenced.