Manual: Ecoline Series EL-500RGB KeyTEX
page 11 / 35
1 - modes
0 - 49
laser off
50 - 149
automatic mode
150 - 199
sound mode
200 - 249
text mode
250 - 255
static DMX mode (patterns)
Attention! The following channel only works if text mode in Channel 1 is active (value 200 - 249)!
2 - text mode
0 - 19
zoom in / out
20 - 39
static text
40 - 59
60 - 79
text drawing
80 - 99
zoom out
100 - 119
x-axis movement
120 - 139
y-axis movement
140 - 159
y-axis rotation
160 - 179
x-axis rotation
180 - 255
z-axis rotation
Attention! The following channels only work if static DMX mode in Channel 1 is active (value 250 - 255)!
2 & 3 - pattern selection
0 - 255
patterns selection
0 - 209
colors selection
210 - 255
pattern flashes with speed selection
0 - 255
pattern drawing with speed selection
0 - 255
zoom in with speed selection
0 - 255
y-axis rotation with manual speed selection
0 - 255
x-axis rotation with manual speed selection
0 - 255
z-axis rotation with manual speed selection
0 - 255
x-axis movement with manual speed selection
0 - 255
y-axis movement with manual speed selection
0 - 255
stretch effect
Please note that not each pattern can be combined with each effect!
DMX Mode
to select the mode and press ‚ENTER‘ to activate the mode.
Enter the DMX address with the digit keys (e.g. press ‚0‘ ‚0‘ ‚3‘ and ‚Enter‘ for setting 003). Use
the Windows Button to choose DMX mode again. You now can see your DMX address. If it‘s the
wrong address, just press any digit button (e.g. ‚4‘ 4‘) and you can set the right address.
When DMX mode is active, use the following keys on the keyboard: