ICS-TOUCH Instruction Manual
Page 34 of 43
Issue 4 19 January 2021
11.4 Mismatch Indication and Reset
All the safety circuits are dual channel with mismatch detection. If their states differ there is a
mismatch condition, indicating a fault somewhere in the circuit. For instance, one contact of a door
switch may not be closing. If this occurs, a fault condition will be indicated, and the fault condition
will be latched until reset.
Note that a short period of mismatch is allowed by the interlock controller, because two switches
will never close at exactly the same time.
The mismatch is indicated by an icon on the display, and a touch button is provided to reset the fault
condition after the fault has been rectified. Touching the button sends a message to the ICS-6-SP,
which then attempts to reset the fault latch. If the fault no longer exists, this will succeed.