DT-203P, DT-105P and DT-110P display series
- To load the variable value in the position counter.
Set CT2=1 (Activated)
CT1, SM, SR=0 (Deactivated)
D4-D8= Irrelevant.
D0-D3= Variable position.
SV=1 Pulse activated >=10 mseg.
The variable position can be from 0 to 15 in hexadecimal (0-F), for the first line and see
“Displaying all messages in EEPROM for the other lines.
The external variables can be ASCII or Binary.
- ASCII variables: They are sent in ASCII code to the display. They take one character.
Set SR=1 (Activated)
CT1, CT2, SM=0 (Deactivated)
D0-D7= ASCII code.
D8= Irrelevant.
SV=1 Pulse activated >=10 mseg
- As BCD forms part of ASCII code, variables can be sent in BCD code with D4 and D5,
inputs. They have to be activated permanently.
Set SR=1 (Activated)
CT1, CT2, SM, D6, D7=0 (Deactivated)
D0-D3= Code BCD.
D4-D5= 1 (Activated)
D8= Irrelevant.
SV=1 Pulse activated >=10 mseg.
- Binary variable: There are two kinds of binary variables depending on the number of
characters: 8 bits plus sign and 16 plus sign.
- 8 bits binary plus sign. It changes a value from 0 to FF (Hexadecimal). Into a decimal (3
digits plus sign). It takes 4 characters.
Set SR, CT1, CT2=1 (Activated)
SM=0 (Deactivated)
D0-D7= 8 bits number.
D8= Sign (=0 positive, =1 negative)
SV=1 Pulse activated >=10 mseg.