Access-T Models
Access-T is available in several different hardware configurations:
Access-T 100:
1 DTE Port
ac or dc power
with or without Aux (drop-and-insert) port
Access-T 200:
2 DTE Ports
ac or dc power
with or without Aux (drop-and-insert) port
Access-T 400:
4 DTE Ports
ac or dc power
with or without Aux (drop-and-insert) port
Access-T 1500:
Shelf-based DSU/CSU system.
Figure 3-1 illustrates the rear-panel for each of the 200 and 400 models. (The rear
panel for the Access-T 100 is the same as the Access-T 200, but with only 1 DTE port.)
The Access-T 1500 is a DSU/CSU system capable of housing up to 15 plug-in
Access-T modules in one chassis. Each Access-T 1500 module has 2 DTE ports
and an Aux port. The Access-T 1500 chassis can be equipped with 1 or 2 power
supplies. Power supplies may be ac or dc, or one of each. When two power
supplies are installed into the Access-T 1500 chassis, one supply acts as a
redundant power source in case the primary power source is lost or removed.
Figure 3-2 illustrates the Access-T 1500 rear-panel.
Table 2-B lists all available Access-T units by model number.
Chapter 3
June 1996