ETHERLINE® GUARD | Issue 1e | 11.04.2022
4.3 Connecting the data connection (LAN / WIFI)
The data connection "LAN" (PM03T) or "WIFI" (PM02TWA) allows access to the web server of the
monitoring electronics via Ethernet line or via WiFi. The web page displays the status of the cable to be
monitored and enables configuration of the ETHERLINE® GUARD. Furthermore, the status of the cable
to be monitored can also be sent to databases or a cloud via MQTT.
For more information on how to access the website, see the chapter 6.
The use of the MQTT Publisher is explained in Chapter 8.
The unit should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the
radiator/antenna and your body. For information on the transmitting power, see the technical data in
chapter 12.2.
4.4 Connection of the digital outputs (Q1/Q2)
The digital outputs Q1 and Q2 are only active after the teach-in has been completed.
The digital output Q1 can signalize that maintenance is required for the cable if the value falls below a
configurable threshold ("
Alarm threshold for Q1
"). The default value is 80%. The output changes its
state to HIGH (normally open function) when it falls below this value. For more information on configuring
the threshold value, see chapter 7.1. If data communication is interrupted at the "Guard" connection,
output Q1 also changes its state to HIGH.
The digital output Q2 emits a pulse-width modulated signal whose duty cycle D is directly assigned to the
"Cable Status". The basic frequency is 24 Hz, the duty cycle varies from 99% (Cable Status = 100%) to
1% (Cable Status < 21%). If data communication is interrupted at the "Guard" connection, a duty cycle of
D = 1% is emitted.
A measured duty cycle of D % results in the following cable status (in %):
[%] =
+ 20