5: Commands and Levels
SGX™ 5150 IoT Device Gateway Command Reference
Displays the current configuration.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current CLI session.
stop character
Sets the stop character. The character may be input as text, control, decimal, or hex. A
control character has the form <control>C. A decimal value character has the form \99. A
hex value character has the form 0xFF.
Disconnects when no data has been received on the line (serial port) for the specified
length of time. <milliseconds> = timeout in milliseconds.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
discovery (config-discovery) level commands
clear counters
Zeros Query Port counters
Clears the screen.
default upnp port
Resets the UPnP Server port to its default value (0x77FF).
Returns to the config level.
no clear counters
Unzeros Query Port counters
Displays the current configuration.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current CLI session.
show statistics
Displays statistics and information about the discovery services.
state disable
Disables the Query Port server.
state enable
Enables the Query Port server.
upnp port
Sets the port number the UPnP server will use. <number> = port number.
upnp state disable
Disables the UPnP server.
upnp state enable
Enables the UPnP server.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
dns (dns) level commands
Clears the screen.
Exits to the enable level.
Return a lookup on the DNS name or IP address.
Show DNS status.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current CLI session.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
edit 1 (config-profile-basic:default_infrastructure_profile_2) level commands
Switch to advanced level
apply wlan
Try out WLAN settings without saving them to Flash. If the settings do not work, when you
reboot the device, it will still have the original settings.
Clears the screen.
Exit to the profiles level
network name
Sets the network name.
no network name
Clears the network name.
Switch to security level
Displays the current configuration.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current CLI session.
state disable
Disables this profile.
state enable
Enables this profile.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
email (config-action-email:wlan0 link state change) level commands
alarm email email
Specifies the email number to send when the alarm turns on.