9: Device Settings
2. Modify the following fields:
Common Name
The network name of the Spider once it is installed in the user’s
network (usually the fully qualified domain name). It is identical to
the name that is used to access the Spider with a web browser
without the prefix “http:// ”. In case the name given here and the
actual network name differ, the browser will pop up a security
warning when the Spider is accessed using HTTPS.
Organizational Unit
This field is used for specifying to which department within an
organization the Spider belongs.
The name of the organization to which the Spider belongs.
The city where the organization is located.
The state or province where the organization is located.
Country (ISO code)
The country where the organization is located. This is the two-letter
ISO code (e.g. US for the United States).
The email address of a contact person responsible for the Spider
and its security.
Certain certification authorities require a challenge password to
authorize later changes on the certificate (e.g. revocation of the
certificate). The minimal length of this password is four characters.
Confirm Challenge
Re-enter password.
Key length (bits)
Select the key length from the pull-down menu.
3. Click
to initiate the Certificate Signing Request generation. Download the
CSR by clicking
. The
button displays when a certificate is
created.Send the saved CSR to a CA for certification.
4. Click
to upload the certificate from the client computer to the Spider. The
Spider now has its own certificate used for identifying itself to its clients.
SecureLinx Spider User Guide