LSS2200-8P MobileApp User Guide
Bluetooth Troubleshooting
: use the Mobile App for Bluetooth pairing; do not use the Android Bluetooth pairing function. Also, the
Mobile App will not allow you to disable the BLE when the device is paired.
If your Bluetooth accessory won't pair or connect to your Android device:
1. On your Android device, go to Settings > Bluetooth and make sure that Bluetooth is on. If you can't turn on
2. Bluetooth or you see a spinning gear, restart your device. Then try to pair and connect it again.
3. Make sure that your Bluetooth accessory and Android device are close to each other.
4. Turn your Bluetooth accessory off and back on again.
5. Make sure that your Bluetooth accessory is on and fully charged or connected to power. If your accessory
uses batteries, see if they need to be replaced. If you still can't pair or connect your Bluetooth accessory:
check the Android Help webpage.
6. When using the BLE feature on the Mobile App: If your configured switch does not appear in the list of Pairing
Devices, select Retry Scan. Once paired, the switch configuration should remain highlighted in green until you
Disconnect. If you lose pairing, try closing out of the Switch Manager MobileApp, go back into the Mobile App
and pair again.
7. To use Bluetooth features in an app, you must allow Location permission in your device’s Settings menu.
8. Check and update your Android version.
9. Contact your mobile device manufacturer’s Tech Support if you still have any of these issues:
You can’t turn on Bluetooth or the setting is grayed out.
You can’t connect any Bluetooth accessories with your device.
The accessory manufacturer confirmed that your accessory is working correctly.
10. Check that BLE is enabled on the switch. Using the web GUI, go to Security, Management, BLE.
11. If BLE Broadcast is Disabled, change to Enabled, click Apply, and save the configuration.
12. Contact Tech Support for issues with the Mobile App or the switch.
Q & A
. What is the Mobile App used for?
. The Mobile App interfaces with the NFC and BLE features to allow switch configuration,
remote diagnosis and troubleshooting without having to climb a ladder or scissor lift to connect to the switch.
. What does the BLE feature do?
. The Bluetooth Low Energy feature allows remote access to the switch without having to physically connect
with a cable, so monitoring and troubleshooting and changes can be made prior to leaving the job site or after
ladders or scissor lifts have been removed. The range is approximately 100m.
. Are the BLE and NFC features safe and secure enough for my network?
. NFC is considered very secure and is frequently used for contactless payments (e.g., Apple Pay). A secure
channel is established and uses encryption for sending sensitive information. However, we always recommend
users have antivirus software and passwords on their devices in case they are lost or stolen.
BLE uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 128/256, SHA-1, SHA-2 (SHA-224 and SHA-256) and ECC
(Elliptic Curve Cryptography) encryption. It uses an authenticated encryption algorithm designed to provide both
authentication and confidentiality. AES was adopted by the US Government in 2002 and is used worldwide