Lanier - SHRIKE 40 - Instructions
Page 3
Copyright 1998 - Lanier R/C
it is perpendicular to the side. It is important that both of these formers be installed as
3. Place the other side with its slots in each former, with the top side up. Using a square on a
flat surface, make sure the side edges are in line with each other. Check all the way around.
Now tack CA glue in place. Hopefully you glued the formers perpendicular to the sides. When
satisfied, final glue them in place.
This is an important step.
4. Next install the stab trailing edge which must be notched for the fuselage sides. Locate the
3/8” sq. x 36" stick.. Cut a length 11-5/8”. Find the center and mark it. Now measure out
each way 1 1/2”. Cut two notches, 3/16” wide and 3/16” deep. The outside edge of each
notch should fall on the 1 1/2” mark. Now align b
laying the rear end of the fuselage on a flat
surface. Sight from the back aligning with top edge of former F4 for squareness. Now glue in
place. This is somewhat like gluing on a stab. Get it on straight.
5. Locate the 3/32" rib sheets #1 and cut the micro joints on the two
parts. Lightly sand the
curved edges.
6. Building the hatch next, cut two strips of wax paper, 1" wide, the approximate length of
Lay the fuselage on its side. Lay one strip on the inside top edge of the fuselage with the end
Now locate
with the small end against
and pin in place over the wax
paper. Align the top curved edges and pin in place several places to keep aligned.
7. Fold and crease the wax paper and trim off, holding the razor against the side,
leaving a 3/16”" flange. Crease it down good. Now install the other
and wax paper on the
other side. Make sure the pins do not extend above the top surface, angle them down.
8. Cut a piece from the 3/32" x 3" x 36" sheet to 16” in length. Apply a bead of thick Ca glue
along the top edge of each
Align the rear edge with the front edge of
and flush on both
sides. Tape in place until cured.
9. Remove the pins by reaching through the bottom of the fuselage. Now remove the hatch and
strip off the wax paper on both sides, Square off the forward end flush with the ends of the two
Glue in a piece of 3/8" sq. balsa at the forward end between the two
rails. Square
up the aft end if necessary. Cut out
and glue in between the rails at the aft end, the wide side
against the hatch top
10. Locate a piece of 1/4" sq. x 36” spruce. Cut four pieces 3” long. These are the servo
mounting rails.
Be careful not to squeeze the sides together when installing them.
one in the upper part of the slot
aft of
and glue in place. Install one in the next 1/4" hole,
viewing the fuselage from the top, and
glue the right side only.
Now locate the gusset
sheet 1 and cut out. Glue in under servo rail on the right side as shown on the plans. Using a
razor saw, cut the rail allowing 1" to protrude from the right side. Remove the cut off piece