1 General information
Any person involved in the assembly, connection, operation,
maintenance, and repair of the product must first read, understand and
follow these instructions. We accept no liability for damage and operating
malfunctions caused by failure to comply with these instructions.
In the interest of further development, we reserve the right to change individual
assemblies and accessories as considered necessary for further safety and
performance improvements, while preserving the main features.
The copyright to these instructions remains with Langmatz
2 Safety information
The product complies with the latest state-of-the-art technology at the time of printing
and is delivered in an operationally safe condition. Unauthorised modifications,
particularly to safety-related parts, are prohibited.
Langmatz GmbH warns against the misuse of the product.
Before opening, ensure that the underground distribution system is not flooded.
Electrical installation kit
All electrical components must meet the applicable standards when installing them.
Protect electrical components from the harmful effects of water. Langmatz
recommends the use of Langmatz diving-bell cabinets.