To provide the proper atmosphere for proofing or holding Lang has designed a sealed cabinet. A
characteristic of the unit is an accumulation of water on the bottom of the cabinet. This
accumulation should be removed daily. This is easily accomplished. Simply remove the pan slides
from each side and lift out the floor. Sponge out any excess accumulation of water.
Many water supplies are laden with minerals. Over time, the minerals build up on the pan. Use
soap and water to clean the pan. To remove any heavy mineral built up, soak the pan in a vinegar
and water solution.
The body of your Lang Proofer/Holding cabinet is constructed entirely of stainless steel. Very little
maintenance is required. Periodically clean the unit with a hot soap and water solution or
commercial stainless steel cleaner. Wipe the interior of the proofer with a mild soap and water
solution and rinse with clear water
The doorframe is anodized aluminum. When cleaning make certain the solution is not caustic and
states “safe on Aluminum.” A hot soap and water solution is all that is necessary to clean the door
and window. Do not use a window cleaner which contains ammonia. Very small amounts of
ammonia will damage the magnetic door seal and require it be replaced.
Calibration of your Lang Proofer/Holding Cabinet will never be necessary. Unlike conventional
thermostats, that change over time, your Lang Proofer/Holding cabinet never needs calibration
because it is solid state controlled.