G100 Range
Copyright Geotechnical Instruments (UK) Limited
8.0 Problem Solving
This section outlines various warning and error messages which the operator may receive
during general operation of the instrument. For further assistance please contact Technical
Support at Geotech (UK) Limited on +44(0)1926 338111 or email [email protected].
8.1 Warnings and Errors
When switched on the instrument will perform a predetermined self-test sequence. During
this time many of the instrument’s working parameters and settings are checked.
If any operational parameters are out of specification or if the pre-programmed
recommended calibration/service date has passed, errors or warnings may be displayed.
Use the
‘Scroll Up’ and ‘Scroll Down’ keys to move through the list if required.
There are two types of warning that may be displayed:
General warnings that may not affect the instrument’s function and those where the
self-test has detected a function that is outside the usual operating criteria, e.g.
battery charge low, memory nearly full.
Operational parameters that could affect the performance of the instrument, e.g. CO
out of calibration.
The most likely reason for these errors is either an incorrect user calibration, or may
indicate sensor failure. If an incorrect user calibration has caused the warning it should be
correctable by way of returning the instrument to factory settings, zeroing or carrying out
a user calibration as necessary for the relevant function.
Under and Over Range Codes
If a reading is over range (i.e. above the maximum allowed reading) it will be displayed
with more than chevrons (>>.>). This can occur if a channel has been incorrectly
calibrated or the sample gas has exceeded its specified range (e.g. CO
> 20%).
If a reading is under range (i.e. below zero) it will be displayed with less than chevrons
(<<. <). Refer to section ‘7.0 Calibration’ of this manual to remedy under-range by
performing a user zero.
A number displayed as asterisks (**.*) indicates an error, usually where the instrument
has been unable to complete a particular calculation. Typically, this will be the first
indication of a fault condition.
Where no data is available dashes (--.-) are displayed. This usually occurs when a
particular reading or parameter has been skipped by the user, or where an optional
accessory is not fitted correctly, i.e. a temperature probe.
8.2 Flow Fail Warning
A common error is a premature flow fail. This is caused by a blocked or flooded inlet filter.
However, new instruments can go into flow fail prematurely as the pump loosens up over
the first few days of use. For further information, please refer to ‘section Flow