GEM5000 Gas Analyzer
MCERTS is the UK Environment Agency's Monitoring Certification Scheme. The scheme
provides a framework within which environmental measurements can be made in
accordance with the Agency's quality requirements. The scheme covers a range of
monitoring, sampling and inspection activities.
MCERTS promotes public confidence in monitoring data and provides industry with a
proven framework for choosing monitoring systems and services that meet the
Environment Agency's performance requirements.
The Environment Agency has established its Monitoring Certification Scheme (MCERTS) to
deliver quality environmental measurements. The MCERTS product certification scheme
provides for the certification of products according to Environment Agency performance
standards, based on relevant CEN, ISO and national standards.
MCERTS certified instruments have been tested by an independent body to ensure that
they meet certain performance requirements. In addition the manufacturer of an MCERTS
product is regularly audited to ensure that the performance requirements of the
certification are being continually met.
The 5000 series of gas analyzers have been certified to Version 3.1 of the ‘Performance
Standards for Portable Emission Monitoring Systems’.
The CIRIA guideline ‘Assessing the risks posed by hazardous ground gases to buildings’
proposes that gas concentrations and flow rates should be monitored.
As an example methodology, they suggest using a gas analyser to first measure flow and
pressure and then afterwards to measure gas concentration.
The logging profile option offers frequency of data to be collected within a timed period
which, in return, identifies a gas profile of the sample point being monitored, information
about whether the sample point is performing correctly, when the peaks occur and
whether air is drawn in after a certain period. This logging option is available on firmware
software version 1.6.5
Versions of the GA5000 analyzer range with internal flow on firmware version 1.6.5 and
above have the ability to take measurements according to the CIRIA guidelines, while still
allowing other users to take the measurements as before.