Setting the gas cylinder weighing system
Connect the
gas cylinder
system and
Flashing symbol: No signal - the gas cylinder
weighing system is not connected to the barbecue
Shows that the connection between the thermo-
meter and the gas cylinder weighing system has been
successfully opened.
• The barbecue thermometer and the gas cylinder
weighing system are automatically connected when
powered on.
• If the devices fail to connect, remove and reinsert
the batteries.
After gas cylin-
der weighing
system connects
with the bar-
becue thermo-
meter, please
• Roughly adjust the screws on the gas cylinder
weighing system to match the diameter scale and
your cylinder size; then put the gas cylinder on the
gas cylinder weighing system and tighten all screws
to fix the cylinder. (Compatible with gas cylinders
with a diameter of 200 - 310 mm)
Setting up the
cylinder weight
• Press the MODE button to change to gas cylinder
weighing system mode.
• Enter the tare weight of the gas cylinder by pres-
sing the / keys in the barbecue thermometer.
The tare weight is stamped or printed on your gas
cylinder. The TOTAL WEIGHT of the gas cylinder,
and the residual gas quantity (RESIDUAL WEIGHT)
are automatically calculated and shown in the