Barbecue tips
Direct grilling
This is the best-known and most frequently-used method.
"Direct grilling" means cooking the food directly over the
heat source (charcoal embers, gas burner, electric heating
element, etc.). The effect of thermal radiation on the food
being cooked is the strongest in this traditional method
and it ensures a rapid cooking time (quick grill).
Kettle grills and hooded barbecues have a hooded cover
as well as air vents in the hood and fire bowl. The cooking
time can be further reduced by closing the lid and opening
the air vents; when doing this it simultaneously intensifies
the charcoal aroma. It should also be noted that during un-
protected, direct grilling there is always a possibility that
fat or marinade may drip from the food on the grill and into
the heat source where it can burn.
When cooking very fatty or marinated foods, we recom-
mend using an aluminium grill tray or, even better, an
enamelled steel tray.
Indirect grilling
To prepare the fire bowl for indirect grilling, so-called char-
coal dividers (wire mesh dividers) are placed on the char-
coal grid. Doing this divides the fire bowl into three zones:
Zones 1 and 3 are the intermediate spaces between the coal
dividers and the side panel of the fuel container.
Zone 2 is the space between the coal dividers. This space
should remain clear. If necessary, a drip bowl or a plate can
be placed here to collect the dripping fat. Zones 1 and 3 are
filled with fuel and ignited in accordance with the lighting
instructions. As soon as the optimum heat has been rea-
ched you can start using the indirect grilling method.
The grill above the embers is usually constructed in such
a way that there is enough space above Zones 1 and 3 for
direct grilling, thereby allowing both variations to be used
simultaneously. A lid is always necessary for the slow and
gentle indirect grilling method. This is used to cover the fire
bowl and thus create an enclosed cooking space.
The air vents located on the base of the fire bowl and on top
of the lid must be opened when using the indirect grilling
method to allow a supply of oxygen. Doing this makes the
cooking area function like a fan oven. The cooking time re-
quired for indirect grilling is naturally much longer than the
time for direct grilling. However, the hood does not need to
be opened frequently to turn the food, as the food is heated
from all directions.