• Please make sure you read and observe the sa-
fety instructions on pages 5 and 6!
• Only use approved barbecue lighters (such as
Landmann solid firelighters); never use petrol,
spirits or other substances that are subject to
deflagration when ignited.
• Only use charcoal or barbecue briquettes as the
fuel. We recommend using quality products
from Landmann.
1. Check to ensure that ....
– there are not, and will not be, any flammable
materials or substances nearby. The minimum
distance to flammable materials or substances is
5 m and the minimum distance to flame-resistant
materials or substances, e.g. house walls, is at
least 1 m.
– the barbecue is protected from the wind.
– the barbecue is positioned firmly on a sufficiently
large surface area. It must not be moved during
– the barbecue is fully assembled and has no ap-
parent faults.
2. Stack some charcoal or barbecue briquettes on the
charcoal grid.
3. Light one or two solid firelighters using a match. Place
these firelighters on top of the layer of charcoal or
4. Allow the solid firelighters to burn for 2 to 4 minutes.
Then slowly fill the fire bowl with charcoal or briquet-
The first time you use the barbecue allow it to
heat up for approximately 20 minutes before adding
any food (with the lid closed); doing this will allow the
food-safe coating to harden (as is the case with any
5. When the charcoal or briquettes are completely cove-
red with a layer of ash, distribute them evenly in the
fire bowl by using a suitable metal utensil (e.g. fire
6. Now insert the greased OptiHeat cooking grill and
place the food to be cooked on top. We recommend
that you wear barbecue gloves or other suitable gloves
for protection from the heat.
Switching off the barbecue
• Plan ahead before barbecuing. Only use the fuel you
need to prepare your food.
• If you have finished preparing your food or want to
temporarily interrupt the preparation process:
• Close the ventilation slots under the fire bowl so that
less oxygen is supplied to the embers.
– Place the lid on the fire bowl so that the embers
are covered.
– Open the vents in the lid so that the heat can es-
Do not leave the barbecue unattended whi-
le the fuel is still hot.
Never pour water onto the hot embers, as it
will cause the water to evaporate in an ex-
plosive manner.
Never dispose of hot embers. Leave them in
the barbecue until they have cooled down.
WARNING: Risk of burning when
cleaning the hot barbecue
To ensure that your barbecue serves you well for many
years to come, it should be cleaned after each use with
washing-up liquid, a brush and a cloth - after all parts have
cooled down. This is much easier than cleaning it at a later
stage when the dirt has dried.
Environmental information and dispo-
sal measures
Pay attention to cleanliness when handling the barbecue.
To dispose of the barbecue properly, disassemble it into its
individual parts. Recycle the metal and plastic componen-
Observe the local regulations.