Configuring the Meter
6.1. Configuration Port
The ability to configure the meter is provided through a secure meter configuration port. A cover mounted
optical configuration port accommodates meter configuration by the user. The configuration port shall be used
only in a meter shop ambient environment, requiring that it function in a room temperature environment under
room ambient lighting conditions. The configuration port interface supports a read/write security function. The
configuration port can be completely disabled such that meter communications cannot be enabled without
breaking the meter security seal.
Initial Power-Up and Operation
meters are always shipped programmed in a configuration defined at the time an order is placed.
6.1.2 Billing Data Reset/Preset
The contents of the –kWh and +kWh accumulation registers are user programmable through an optical
configuration port. In its simplest form, this feature allow s the user to reset the contents of the +kWh and –
kWh accumulation registers. This feature also enables the user to clear any accumulated energy following meter
verification testing.
The user also has the ability to enter initial energy values into the +kWh and –kWh accumulation registers. This
feature allows a user to pre-load energy values into a replacement meter before it goes into service.
The user can perform this function in a meter shop
6.1.3 Display
The user has the ability to program a display multiplier. kWh values contained in the energy registers are
multiplied by the display multiplier prior to being displayed in the LCD. The display multiplier does not affect the
contents of the energy registers.
The display multiplier multiplies the displayed energy value(s) by N for 1
240. N is an integer value.
7. Meter
7.1. Calibration
The Focus kWh has an infrared light emitting diode (LED) that emits energy pulses. The meter demonstrates
registration accuracy in accordance with the
accuracy requirements of Section 2.4.3 when tested via the
calibration LED
The calibration LED is deactivated 24 hours after the meter powers up. The calibration LED can be reactivated
without power cycling the meter. Once reactivated, the calibration LED remains active for 24 hours.
The calibration LED is accessible from the front of the meter cover. The user can fix an LED pickup device to the
front of the meter.
The calibration LED produces stable pulses in no more than five seconds following meter power up.