Section 1: Assembly & Set-up
RC3614 & RCM3614 Rotary Cutters 330-918M
Hitch Assembly
Figure 1-8
Hitch Assembly
Refer to Figure 1-7:
1. Remove and discard 1/2" hex whiz nuts (#3) and hex
head bolts (#2).
2. Rotate hitch (#1) down into pulling position as shown
in Figure 1-8.
Refer to Figure 1-8:
3. Instructions “a” & “b” below are for cutters equipped
with standard clevis or pintle hitch. Skip to step 4 if
assembling LP Performance, bar-tite, or ball hitch.
a. Attach clevis level rod (#1) to center deck lug and
clevis hitch (#2) with clevis pins (#7), flat
washers (#5), and cotter pins (#6).
b. Secure cotter pins (#6) by bending one or more
legs of each cotter pin.
4. Attach hitch frame (#3) to leveling rods (#4) by
inserting clevis pins (#9) into leveling rod clevises
and hitch frame (#3) as shown. Secure clevis pins
with flat washers (#10) and cotter pins (#8).
5. Leveling rod adjustment will be made later. See
on page 31 for detailed
Factory Shipped With Hitch Folded Up
Figure 1-7